Sunday 13 October 2024

Hair today, gone tomorrow

When my Oncologist said the words “Chemotherapy” my first thought was;

I’m going to lose my hair.

I cried.

Since then it’s been the thought that has consumed my waking, sleepless and sleeping thoughts.

And now I am. It’s happening, and I continue to cry.

I’m 2 rounds in and I’ve lost probably around 50% of my hair so far. What is left hangs limp and lifeless on my sensitive scalp, sheds when I move. It’s on my clothes, in the plug hole catcher,  on the floor, in my food! I’ve 4 more rounds to go.

I’m at the stage now where I’m thinking about getting it cropped short or shaved. It will almost be a relief to accept the inevitability of it and to take the last bit of control in a situation where I have very little control at all.

Cold capping isn’t saving it, but that’s not the only point of capping. I’m focused on giving my future hair follicles the best chance for re growth as the next of chemotherapy I switch to, Docetaxel, has a small percentage of patients who suffer permanent alopecia, which is a horrible prospect. 

It’s only hair though isn’t it? It will in all probability grow back. So why am I so upset about it? Why are there so many negative feelings of shame around it?

Shaving a woman’s hair has so many connotations. There seems to be 2 main categories on the face of it. Shame or empowerment. I guess which way you view it, boils down to the amount of control the woman has over the act itself.

Historically, a shaved head goes back centuries to religion and culture. For men, In Buddhism it can be an act of devotion to signify the sacrifice of vanity, in Islam it marks the end of the Hajj, some Muslims also practice the Aqiqah on babies and similarly  in Hinduism, Mundan or Chudakarana, an act of purification.

When you look beyond religion though, things get darker. a shaved scalp begins to represent oppression. Prisoners, slaves, military. Practicality, hygiene. Stripping of identity and conformity.

For women, having their head shaved is usually related to a form of punishment and shame. 

In medieval times women accused of Witchery were shaved head to toe in search of ‘witches marks’ as an evidence of guilt. to condone their eventual torture and execution. 

In modern times, female French Nazi collaborators were shaved and walked barefoot through the streets of Paris in a direct parallel to the Jewish prisoners of war in the Nazi death camps.

In more modern times, the 90s onward however, women have taken back the narrative a bit, siting power and freedom over their own bodies. The autonomy in the face of social norms to have full creativity over their own look for fashion and or gender liberation. A metaphorical raised middle finger to cultural, conservative stereotypes or a brave political statement. 

From the 90s onward it seeped into our sub culture in the form of movies, music and fashion. Confident, bad ass women making a statement to the world that they were not to be messed with. 

Think Demi Moore in GI Jane, Sigorney Weaver’s Ripley in Alien, Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta, Charleze Theron in Mad Max Furiosa.

Musicians Sinéad O’ Connor, Skunk Anansie, Jesse J, Britney Spears. 

Models Amber Rose, Ruth Bell, Grace Bol, Ajax Deng.

All bold, unapologetic, strong and above all else, still absolutely beautiful. Didn’t we all kind of look up to them and envy them their courage? I know I did. 

Unfortunately there is another group of people I haven’t mentioned who lose their hair through age or illness. Alopecia, menopause, male pattern baldness and through cancer treatments. 

A group of society who have no choice over what is happening to their body.  I do think it really is that lack of choice that makes the difference between a positive or a negative experience.  

I’d like to think that because of the likes of those above, who paved the way to change societal views that there won’t be so much judgment at the sight of a bald head, but that doesn’t make it any easier to deal with when contemplating the loss of your own hair.

I have always had thick, long hair, since I was a child. It’s just an integral part of my identity and something that I have, until now, just taken for granted.

The only time I can remember having properly short hair was when I got nits as a teenager and mum got it all cut off for me as it was impossible for her to deal with getting a nit comb through it all. So already I suppose I associate it with shame and loss of control. 

And let’s face it, I’m a short, slightly overweight 54yr old so I’m NEVER going to look like like any of those bad ass beauties I listed above. It’s just not possible. I won’t look like Amy Dowden with her cute pixie cut with my double chin! 

So I’m sad and angry that cancer is going to take away my last vestige of dignity and choice.  Albeit in the guise of my future health which is obviously the most important thing to focus on, not my hair….. but it it is what it is. I’m shallow, I’m human. I’ll admit it, I want to be seen as attractive, pretty, womanly. I worry now others will see me or judge me. How my husband will see me. It’s so very sad for him to deal with this too.  

I don’t want to look ugly and I don’t want to look ill, or be treated as such. I’m not! I am still me, just with less hair.

I’ve so many mixed feelings to try and navigate and negotiate with, hopefully, some reason and thanks on top of the deep sorrow and rage. Because I am lucky, even when I don’t feel it. 

Lucky that I have the opportunity to have such good treatment for cancer at my fingertips. Lucky that I caught it early enough to have these difficult choices for a future that will hopefully be cancer free. Lucky to have spent 50+  years never really having to question if I look acceptable or pretty enough, or to feel judged by societies skewed ideals when I leave the house.

It is a very confusing time indeed, but I have to just try to be honest with myself and acknowledge all those contradictory feelings together and to find a way to sit with them in some sort of acceptance.

So, my last tiny bit of ‘choice’ over my impending hair loss is to see a hairdresser next week and brave a crop. It will be easier to not see long clumps of hair coming out in my hand, easier to care for, easier to sleep with, easier under hats and scarves. Also when it starts to re grow, it won’t have so far to match in with what ever of my original hair survives. 

Then next weekend, I have a consultation to be fitted for a wig. 

This winter is going to be cold!! Mainly around my poor ears! 

The irony is that just as my treatment comes to an end and my hair starts growing back, I will probably lose my eyebrows and my beautiful long eyelashes. Talk about insult to injury. 

At this point, with my self esteem at it’s lowest ebb I will have to navigate getting my bum back to work. That is going to take a Herculean effort to cope with the emotions that will be stirred up for me. At the moment I can stay home and be a bit of a hermit if I so choose,  but I will have to step back out into the world and I think that will be the hardest part. 

I hope people are kind. 

I hope I can be kind to myself. 

Saturday 30 December 2023

Happy New Year 2024

I'm not one for making great declarations of new year resolutions, yes, I need to continue and build on the good practice I've begun this year, to drink less, walk / dance more, set solid priorities for health, boundaries and growth. 
But I always find the eve of a new year makes me pause to reflect on the past year.
Like every year 2023 has been a year with some challenges, especially at work and with my health but a lot of fun highlights too.

Every year is a mixed bag of good and bad, and packaged inside any mistakes I've made is a lesson, and whilst I don't want to take those mistakes into the new year with me, I will most certainly take the lessons. That's personal growth. 
There are people and situations I will not be bringing into the new year with me for the good of my own mental health. I've no room in my life anymore for disrespect and these last few years have been a huge lesson in disrespect.  
My boundaries, my time, my energy and my peace are all increasingly important to me. I spent a lot of years in the past where I'd lost the value of these things. I allowed myself to be treated with far, far less than I deserved by many people in my life, and to live with levels of toxicity that have been far reaching in it's damage. By putting everybody's needs before my own, I lost myself.  

Now I know my worth again and I've re discovered those values. With Ian's love and support I have realised that my needs are important too and if I don't value them, then no one else will either. I've done a lot of hard work on myself these last few years.

I will let go of anyone that can't respect or appreciate those values.

I will meet people with the same energy they give me. 

I don't mean this in an unkind way, just with a growing understanding of those that appreciate and value my efforts. I'm tired of banging my head on brick walls, I'm tired of sending messages that go ignored and caring too much and questioning myself thinking I've done something wrong or I've not given enough when it's usually the opposite. 
I will meet people where they are. I won't make excuses for peoples flaky behaviour anymore. You all have the same 24hrs a day as I do, so you make your choices and I will listen. As I turn 54yrs in a few weeks, I really am getting too old for this shit!

And I'm also on a journey to understand my neurodiversity, which means I give out a lot more energy than most! ...... but thats OK. You'll all have to raise your game, I'm not lowering mine 😜

I'd like to thank all my good friends and family who bumble along life's ever winding road with me. Who through the past year have given me joy, shared their wisdom. and humour, their time, energy and positivity, those who notice and act on it. 

Kindness, honesty and loyalty are the holy trinity to me and I like to think that is what I give out into the world. Therefore, anyone who has made me doubt theirs in the past, well, that's where those lessons lie and I'll take them into 2024 with me. 

I will keep on believing in my ability to manifest my own happiness and will continue my endeavour to keep my thoughts, words and deeds positive and to continue to practice daily gratitude and humility. 

So I'm wishing you all another happy year around the sun. There will undoubtedly be more challenges thrown our way but I'll keep meeting mine head on with the support of all the people in my life that love me and I hope you know that I love you right back and I will be there to support you through your tough times and to share your laughter too.

365days (366 days actually as it’s a leap year!)  for us to fill with sunshine, to keep learning, keep smiling, keep loving ❤️ 

" your present circumstances don't determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start." - Nedo Quebein

Welcoming 2023

Goodbye 2022, you’ve been relentless in the lessons you’ve sent me. 

I have been well and truly tested. 

My faith, my health, both mental and physical and my finances.

 I’ve been tested by my family and friendships, by my trusting nature and my kind heart which are  often taken advantage of. 

2022 will be remembered as the year I chose what is best for me and even though the road was hard I stuck to it and I learned many lessons.

I am learning to say no.

I am learning to speak my truth.

I am learning to stand up for myself.

I am learning my value and who I am valued by.

I’m a work in progress and that’s ok.

I’ve lost a lot but I’ve also gained.

I failed, I cried, I laughed, I loved and I learned. 

I learned money will never be a bartering price for my love as I value love over money.

I learned I did not break though I feared I would.

And I am reminded that I am still stronger than I know. 

I hold blessings for everyone in my life, especially those who have been constant to me in their trust and love, their honesty, kindness, respect, support, guidance and un-ending friendship. 

But also more importantly for those that have chosen to believe the very worst of me and the misrepresentation of facts presented to them without allowing me the dignity of explanation. For those who have disrespected me, ostracised me or tried to control me. 

I’ve drawn a line under it now and I am at peace, because I know I have always been true, had the best of intentions and came from a good place with all of my heart. 

My peace is mine and I guard it with my life.

So roll on 2023. 

I’m walking into 2023 with a clear heart and mind and with forgiveness , most importantly forgiveness for myself.

This is a new chapter.

I wish all my friends and family healing, health, and hope for a 2023 filled with joy and happiness.

Tuesday 2 August 2022

Greece is always a good idea! 🧿

If you asked me why I love Kefalonia, this is how I would describe it to you.

Close your eyes and imagine……

Can you feel the sun on your face?

A whisper of wind in your hair? 

What do you hear?

Take a deep breath and smell the air.

Let all of your senses awaken to the natural beauty, the simplicity, the peace.

Kefalonia - My Island love affair 💙🇬🇷🤍

The mountain, majestic with spines of Cypress littered amongst the Black Pine,

Proudly baring it’s fire scars which wind tracking their own path down the mountainside.

So dry, so barren, yet by juxtaposition also so verdant and green.

The heady smell of mountain Thyme, Greek Basil and Wild Oregano.

Endless ear popping roads, rough cut into the cliff edge, winding into hairpin bends and rockfalls.

The cloudy Milky Way in a sky speckled with a thousand stars in the pitch black of the National Park.

The relaxed, sleepy sound of Cicada’s chirping in the trees lulling me to close my eyes in slumber.

Pretty coloured beehives, flashes of colour dotted in the rocks.

Loggerhead turtles ‘Caretta Caretta’  lazily swimming in the lagoon.

Arrogant goats everywhere, scattering in the road as you round a bend.

Swallows swooping, dipping and diving with graceful ease above your head,

and butterflies dancing skilfully on the breeze.

Street side Tavernas jingling with the gentle sounds of Bouzouki music.

Virile men, young and old dancing with skill handed down, spin, turn and kick.

No more the plate smashing revelry of past times but instead, napkins thrown reign down, 

floating in the air as the music reaches it’s climax.

Simple satisfying food, Souvlaki, fresh fish, salads, salty olives, feta, creamy, garlicky tzatziki and breads. Washed down with Mythos and crude wine served in metal jugs by the weight.

Sweet, nutty, honey soaked Baklava and Rovani served with ice cream.

Endless Olive groves full of ancient trees whispering to each other in the breeze with leaves turning from green to silver and back to green again.

Branches laden with natures bounty....Peach, Grape, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Pomegranate and fig.

The vibrant colour of hot pink Bougainvillea contrast against the endless blue of the sky.

Heavy boughed arches of Oleander, Mallow and Hibiscus.

Prickly Pear Cacti poking over garden walls and palm trees swaying in silhouette against the firmament.

Yellow and blue domes of tiny churches and little shrines, everywhere icons, candles and prayers.

The indescribable blue of the Ionian Sea and the warm wholesome smell of salt in the air. 

Sail Boats, Yachts, Catamarans and the hubbub of bustling passenger Ferries, 

Criss crossing the ocean in constant flux, in and out of harbours and marinas.

The crystal clear waters of natural underground lakes. Millpond still, ice cold and so blue,

Invoking childhood memories of colours from my paintbox....

Azure, Sapphire, Turquoise, Cyan, Cobalt.

Thursday 31 December 2020

New Year 2020-2021

Last New Years Eve seems like such a long time ago now. January 2020 started with a bang! A new job (which I love) I turned 50yrs and had a lovely family lunch at Lemonia and a fab party in Soho with friends and family. I made a bucket list to celebrate my “big” birthday and had lots to look forward to.

Then, the news reports started coming out of China, news reports of Cruise Ships being stranded and people on board getting sick, people not allowed to come on to land. Even then we didn’t quite realise the impact this was going to have on us, as individuals, a country, the world, the seemed so remote. Then panic rose and our world imploded.

It started with the kind of bizarre behaviour that only mankind can produce, loo roll stockpiling! The supermarkets went mad! Pasta, flour, yeast were non existent, shelves literally bare in every town across the country. Queuing outside supermarkets through the car park became our new normal as Boris announced Lockdown.

Our world shrunk around us and new vocabulary entered our consciousness.

Covid 19

Daily government briefings with Boris and Whitty.

Work from home, protect the NHS

Nightingale Hospital 

Teaching moved on line, parents becoming main educators

Joe Wicks keeps the nation fit

Furlough and grants

Clapping for the NHS

Getting to know my neighbors 

Distanced chatting in front gardens from gate to door

Rainbows in windows

Roads so quiet, barely any traffic

Anxiety rising, overwhelming fear

Daily meditation with Jay Shetty

Salsa styling classes on line in my kitchen


Weight gain

Walking to keep fit and discovering new places

On line quizzes and games

Lockdown beards

Home haircuts ( and in my case making the move to stop dying my hair )

Zoom therapy sessions for Luke and a support group for me

Lockdown viewing wish list


Hand gel

Temperature checks

Covid tests (x3) and relief when negative result


Protecting vulnerable family

No hugging

Elbow bumps and toe taps

One way systems

Restaurants, theatres, pubs, hairdressers closed, essential shopping only

Holidays canceled

Theatre trips canceled 

Eat out to help out

Working through lockdown

Being a keyworker


Tier system rollercoaster

Being kind and the kindness of strangers

Good friends

Brexit back in the news again, deal finally agreed

New variant spreading fast

Vaccine hope

Countries shutting their boarders

Lorries stacked up in Dover

Christmas is not cancelled but Christmas is different this year

Quiet New Year celebrations at home.

Quite a sobering list huh! But there have been many highlights and good times amongst all that. 

Amongst the positives are that I got to spend time with the 3 most important people in my life. I got to see more of my daughter Beth as she would normally be working, we were able to go on some lovely walks together, I’m so glad she was staying at my Mums when all this kicked off, it would have been awful had she been living on her own further away and she’s been a great support to my Mum and Eddie too. 

I got to spend more quality time with Luke too as we shared time cooking together which was lovely.

But also to spend more time with Ian and we’ve had to do things differently this year, visited places together we would never have found if it weren’t for the restrictions we’ve been living under, lavender farms, sunflower fields, Downton Abbey with Uncle Andy and Aunty Val, drive in movies, walks in the woods etc. We have grown even closer together and have taken it in turns to give and receive support when needed, which we have always done, but I think this year we have reached an even deeper understanding of what we need individually and as a couple. For instance Ian quickly worked out that when I was feeling trapped inside and life spiralling out of our control and my anxiety was sky high that he needed to get me out, quite literally!  “ come on, we’re going for a walk, where shall we go?” became a regular thing back in the Spring/ Summer. This year has cemented our relationship into even deeper footings, we’ve been through a lot this year and have done a lot of soul searching. In adverse times you find out a lot about yourself and what you need individually and as a couple and you find about a lot about other people. Much like when I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

Sadly In my quest to carve out my future with Ian and have financial independence I’ve managed to upset and hurt my sister (and my mum) which was not something I ever set out to do. Things are broken down with my sister at the moment but I’ll  keep throwing out olive branches. I hope that next year I can reach an understanding with her but It’s been an unbelievably painful, hurtful and upsetting time.

Ian proposed to me in October in a beautiful way at the V&A and we have planned a very small wedding in February which at the moment have no idea if it will be able to go ahead. We’re ok with it though,  It will happen at some point and in some form next year but it’s not in our control. We are delighted and excited nevertheless and very much looking forward to becoming Mr & Mrs Foreman.

I’ve reached my 10yr cancerversary mark as the year draws to a close which is a good feeling. My anxiety around my cancer returning is quietening every year now which is a relief. It’s taken such a long time.

My life has been made richer by my close friendship groups this year, I have friends that always have my back, make me laugh, share my joy and pain ( and wine) and am looking forward to some good times to come, including hopefully a wedding reception!! I need to throw my bouquet!!

So, this year has been far from ideal but I take courage from the good moments, my glass is still half full. I’m thankful that we have made it through the last 9 months with all our friends and family still safe and well and hope that as we look forward on the brink of a new year that this remains so. We are not out of the woods yet with Covid but I hope that we can begin to see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Until then I’ll strike a match and light the way myself!

All that remains is to thank you for being metaphorically by my side this year, for all your love and kindness and good wishes. I hope that you’ve been able to look back and find some positives from 2020. Keep looking up, for rainbows and stars and find all the good moments to focus on.

Happy new year. I’ll look forward to sharing many happy times with you in 2021.

Love Emma xxxx


Sunday 6 September 2020



What is love?

Love is far more than saying I love you,

And sometimes, it’s not hearing it, but knowing it’s there.

Love is thinking before you speak and remembering to be kind even when you’ve had a tough day and are in a bad mood, and forgiving and understanding the other when we don’t quite pull this off.

Love is not all the pretty stuff we post on Social media, but farting in bed, smelly morning breath, snoring, staying up late getting drunk and singing along to Mamma Mia at the top of our voices. 

Sunday mornings lazing in bed with coffee and somewhat eclectic breakfasts

Gentle teasing about F1 drivers, Apple verses Android, Radio 2 or Kiss FM, setting 5 alarms and snoozing the last 10 times verses jumping straight out of bed for work.

Love is appreciating our similarities, acknowledging our differences, our anxieties, and our quirks without judgement.

Love is understanding that we love our families even when we find ours or each other’s difficult.

Love is trust, trust that we will be honest with each other, but always kind. No secrets, no lies.

Love is building each other up but not putting on a pedestal. 

Encouraging each other to be the best that we can be, and sometimes, in the nicest way,  it’s calling each other out on our crap.

Love is understanding that life isn’t all plain sailing and when storms make the waters choppy, as they will, we will have broad shoulders and strong arms to support when needed and to know that the other will be there to support us in turn. 

Love is singing in the car and taking turns to be the designated driver.

It’s prioritising each other and, when needed, ourselves, because you can’t pour from an empty cup.

It’s more than just sharing the chores, but sharing our ideas, money and resources to build something together with solid foundations.

It’s Midnight conversations asking what’s for dinner tomorrow and laughing till we cry at the silliest things.

It’s promising to look after each other when it’s easy and when it’s not. When we are ill and as we get old together. 

It’s planning adventures and having a best friend to share it all and to make memories with.

Sometimes it’s both of us talking excitedly at the same time, and finishing each other’s sentences, 

but it is also enjoying the silences together, the small moments, watching tv, washing up, cuddles before sleep, holding hands ........

Life is a succession of small moments to be celebrated, because all those small moments add up to big things. They make us us, and they add up to love.

Monday 30 March 2020

Love in the time of Covid 19

Well, I haven’t kept up my blog for a long time but now seems like the perfect time to resurrect it. If you get really bored you can search my back catalogue!!

We are living in very strange times and they have escalated at a rate that makes me feel dizzy.
At the beginning it felt quite surreal but over the next few weeks I am sure it will begin to feel all too real as we watch the daily news, the figures rising and perhaps people we know, love and care for fall victim to this virus.
At the start I was quite ashamed to be part of the human race with the scenes of supermarket madness. I was disgusted at the greed and selfishness displayed and it made me quite low. 
Now you all know that I am a Pollyanna at heart and those that now me best know that I am either, to quote Robbie Williams, “ a little too high or a little too low. “ and when I fall in to the pit of despair I fall hard. 
You also know that I will drag my ass back up again but I was in a bit of a tizzy to say the least. A real low funk! My mental health was not good, my anxiety was through the roof. 
I have always had a full diary of things to look forward to and this year being my 50th I had more plans than ever, tickets booked for lots of things, a bucket list I was looking forward to. Suddenly, an empty calendar stretching before me as events were cancelled one by one. Everything felt uncertain and bleak.

Then I got thinking, my brain never stops whirring. It drives me mad which is one of the reasons I started my blog in the first place, it helps me to put my thoughts down in writing. I’ll apologise for my spelling in advance 😂
People were behaving in this awful way because they were scared, scared for themselves and for the people they love and I guess it is hard wired in all of our DNA to protect ourselves and the people we love and this is what was driving this insanity. Survival of the fittest and all that.
Slowly we have all calmed down a bit and while we are all still scared we can see a bigger picture emerging.
While we all adjust to this new pace of staying at home it is us Pollyanna’s who will try to keep everyone united, busy and smiling. So many heartwarming stories of human kindness and sacrifice are appearing everywhere you look. 
I have been criticised over the years for my love of Facebook and social media but it has always been a lifeline to me. When I was living through domestic abuse, through my divorce and after it when I was lonely it had an important role to play in keeping me busy and connected. I joined groups, made friends, fell in love. I try as I always have, to use my social media to bring joy and happiness. Spread that shit around, we all need it now more than ever.
And now, everywhere you look people are doing the same, live comedy, online quizzes, live meditation (which I love) keep fit, videos of actors reading sonnets, my photography groups, friends posting videos of them singing..... the list goes on and on. Technology is the thing that is empowering us at the moment, a tool for good if we use it correctly. Being in isolation should not leave us feeling isolated.
Add to that the stories of everyone coming out to clap for the NHS which was quite emosh and people offering to help get food for others less able. People coming together and uniting and coordinating effort. Stories of people putting their lives at risk to save others, people keeping the country going with a smile on their faces, doctors, food suppliers, care workers, teaching staff, postal workers, delivery drivers. There will still be stories unfortunately of people taking advantage of the situation, scammers etc but on the whole It is a tsunami of positivity during this alarming test of our endurance.
It has been lovely to reconnect with friends, check up on family. I’ve had more conversations with my neighbours this week than before ( at a distance) I’ve set up what’s app groups with different groups of friends and family,  FaceTime sessions, etc. I am trying to post quizzes and puzzles to keep our minds active and get people involved in things more than ever. 
Some may find it annoying but most, I hope appreciate it. I am focused more than ever on the people in my life that I love and that bring me joy. I am so very fortunate that in Ian I have a partner who makes me laugh every day, who puts up with my moody shit, my crying and understands me better than anyone ever has. I am blessed that those I love are, for now, safe and well.

I’m still scared.
I still have to go to work albeit on a smaller scale. I’d much rather cocoon myself safe at home but the job I do is more important than ever at this particular, peculiar time.
Luke has been redeployed to Waitrose as John Lewis have shut their doors and I worry about him being in contact with the public and bringing something home but again, it’s an important and necessary service atm. 
We are all worried about the future financial implications as jobs are on hold or lost and holidays and such are held in the balance.

But we are all in this together and globally not just in our own neighbourhoods and it’s so heartwarming to see everyone unite, despite our growing fears, with us all doing our best to look after each other, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Never mind Herd Immunity, it’s all about Herd Community!! I for one am seeing all the positives.

As we adjust to this new pace of life, new priorities it would be lovely to think that we will continue these things on into our future. Unfortunately I fear that as we all get back to normal in a few months time we will go back to being the selfish twats we were before. Pollution will once again rise, we will forget to call our family and to reconnect with friends as the pace of our lives returns to its frantic pace. We will stop looking after our mental health and each other. But I hope not. We have an amazing opportunity to rediscover what and who is really important in our lives and to carry it forward.

Stay safe my friends. Peace and love. Xx