Sunday, 6 September 2020



What is love?

Love is far more than saying I love you,

And sometimes, it’s not hearing it, but knowing it’s there.

Love is thinking before you speak and remembering to be kind even when you’ve had a tough day and are in a bad mood, and forgiving and understanding the other when we don’t quite pull this off.

Love is not all the pretty stuff we post on Social media, but farting in bed, smelly morning breath, snoring, staying up late getting drunk and singing along to Mamma Mia at the top of our voices. 

Sunday mornings lazing in bed with coffee and somewhat eclectic breakfasts

Gentle teasing about F1 drivers, Apple verses Android, Radio 2 or Kiss FM, setting 5 alarms and snoozing the last 10 times verses jumping straight out of bed for work.

Love is appreciating our similarities, acknowledging our differences, our anxieties, and our quirks without judgement.

Love is understanding that we love our families even when we find ours or each other’s difficult.

Love is trust, trust that we will be honest with each other, but always kind. No secrets, no lies.

Love is building each other up but not putting on a pedestal. 

Encouraging each other to be the best that we can be, and sometimes, in the nicest way,  it’s calling each other out on our crap.

Love is understanding that life isn’t all plain sailing and when storms make the waters choppy, as they will, we will have broad shoulders and strong arms to support when needed and to know that the other will be there to support us in turn. 

Love is singing in the car and taking turns to be the designated driver.

It’s prioritising each other and, when needed, ourselves, because you can’t pour from an empty cup.

It’s more than just sharing the chores, but sharing our ideas, money and resources to build something together with solid foundations.

It’s Midnight conversations asking what’s for dinner tomorrow and laughing till we cry at the silliest things.

It’s promising to look after each other when it’s easy and when it’s not. When we are ill and as we get old together. 

It’s planning adventures and having a best friend to share it all and to make memories with.

Sometimes it’s both of us talking excitedly at the same time, and finishing each other’s sentences, 

but it is also enjoying the silences together, the small moments, watching tv, washing up, cuddles before sleep, holding hands ........

Life is a succession of small moments to be celebrated, because all those small moments add up to big things. They make us us, and they add up to love.

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